Jama  yogastudio in Vénkert

The word jama (pronounced jama) is a word of sanity, meaning: to harmonize or regulate. The first step of the Raja Yoga, which sets out the basic ethical rules that are eternal, irrespective of religion and history, and should be followed by all people. Jams regulate our relationship with the outside world, which is:

1. Ahimsa: non-violence, no harm

2. Sada: Truth

3. Astra: Undisclosed

4. Brahma Bashar: the reign of sensual desires

5. Aparigraha: Avoiding possession and accumulation

A life may be little to make a mama perfect in all our actions and circumstances, but it may become available at some level. Our studio is an opportunity on the "royal road" to approach the state of harmony / perfection in spite of imperfection / or imperfection.

We want the thousands of years of yoga and knowledge of yoga to be linked with today's modern world, so we expect all practitioners with qualified instructors, yoga classes of various types and degrees of difficulty.